Here you will find everything you need to be able to perform correctly any bid processes. On top of that you will get a separate Bid/No Bid scorecard and a Win/Loss analysis template to learn from Bid cases. |
Template summary |
· Bid Directive Template in .XLS format · Bid/No Bid Template in .XLS format · Win/Loss Analysis Template in .XLS format |
Price: €24.95 |
The Bid process is the heaviest (and sometimes also one of the costliest) process of the B2B Sales management process. It involves various part of the company (sales, marketing, technology, production service, support, logistics, legal, accounting, executive management, etc…) and these should all work together to produce the necessary documents in real time and on time! Several companies have suffered a lot of failing Bid process and some even went bankrupt because of it. If your company is depending on such process to get its business from, do not hesitate, you need these templates. It helps sharing information between the teams and get the Bid directive right. On top of that it also comes with a Win/Loss analysis template so you can learn from success. |
SKU/Item Number: BD-001 |
Bid/No Bid scorecard is the most important document of the Bid process. |
GIALCO sprl/bvba |
Make a Bank Transfer of necessary amount to: IBAN: BE51 7340 1649 5362 SWIFT (BIC): KREDBEBB Indicate in the communication fields the templates code that you are interested in AND an e-mail address for delivery. For Belgian corporation, please add VAT number and VAT amount to the ordered template prices (21%) |
Tel: +32 475 92 99 81 Fax: +32 2 672 36 00 Luc.jacobs AT
Avenue de la Forêt, 184 B-1000 Brussels BELGIUM